This 2hr CE Class on 1031 Tax Deferred Exchange offers taxpayers one of the last great opportunities to build wealth and save taxes. By completing an exchange, the Taxpayer (“Exchanger”) can dispose of investment or business-use assets, acquire replacement property and defer the tax that would ordinarily be due upon the sale. 1031 refers to section 1031 of Internal Revenue Code. A 1031 Exchange allows people to defer Federal capital gains tax, state ordinary income tax, net investment income tax, and depreciation recapture on the sale of Investment property if certain criteria are met. Taught by Claudia Keirnan – Vice President and Regional Manager with Investment Property Exchange Services, Inc. (“IPX1031®)” a subsidiary a Fidelity National Financial, Inc. (NYSE: FNF). Register Now : https://www.emailmeform.com/builder/form/XZn5Vac2Wv |