Closing Cost Estimator How can we help? Let’s talk. 12058 San Jose Boulevard Suite 204Jacksonville, Florida 32223 Phone: (904) 230-1063Fax: (904) 239-3092 9 A.M. to 5 P.M.Monday through Friday This field is hidden when viewing the formDate MM slash DD slash YYYY Estimate Type(Required)Buyer's EstimateSeller's EstimateStreet AddressCityStateProperty Zip(Required)County(Required)Closing Type(Required)MortgageCashRefinanceWholeSaleSales Price(Required)Loan Amount(Required)Seller Commission %Please enter a number from 0 to 100.Flat Fee CommissionEst. Closing Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Property TaxesSeller Credit(% of Sales Price) - OR -Seller Credit AmountThis field is hidden when viewing the formHome Warranty Fee?NoYes - Buyer PaidYes - Seller PaidThis field is hidden when viewing the formHome Warranty AmountMortgage Payoff Amount(Required)Initial Escrow DepositYour E-mail(Required) Your Phone(Required)Created By(Required)Other CostsDescription 1Cost 1Seller Cost 1SellerBuyerDescription 2Cost 2Seller Cost 2SellerBuyerDescription 3Cost 3Seller Cost 3SellerBuyerDescription 4Cost 4Seller Cost 4SellerBuyerDocuments To Be RecordedMortgage RecordingNo. of DocsNo. of PagesDeed RecordingNo. of DocsNo. of PagesThis field is hidden when viewing the formMortgage Documentary StampsThis field is hidden when viewing the formMortgage Intangible TaxThis field is hidden when viewing the formDeed Documentary StampsThis field is hidden when viewing the formClosing FeeThis field is hidden when viewing the formTitle SearchThis field is hidden when viewing the formOriginal Rates 100000This field is hidden when viewing the formOriginal Rates 1milThis field is hidden when viewing the formOriginal Rates 5milThis field is hidden when viewing the formOriginal Rates 10milThis field is hidden when viewing the formOriginal RatesThis field is hidden when viewing the formBuyer Settlement FeeThis field is hidden when viewing the formLender's PolicyThis field is hidden when viewing the formSeller Settlement FeeThis field is hidden when viewing the formSeller E-Record FeeThis field is hidden when viewing the formBuyer E-Record FeeThis field is hidden when viewing the formMortgage Recording Document FeeThis field is hidden when viewing the formSeller Commission TotalThis field is hidden when viewing the formDeed Recording Document FeeThis field is hidden when viewing the formProperty Taxes YTDThis field is hidden when viewing the formTotal CostThis field is hidden when viewing the formSeller CalculatedThis field is hidden when viewing the formBuyer CalculatedThis field is hidden when viewing the formBuyer TotalThis field is hidden when viewing the formSeller TotalEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Where Service is a Promise Contact Us